Germany deports Australia fought with the Kurdish militias in Syria

Germany deports Australia

Foreign Ministry said the Australian on Saturday that Germany would deport an Australian citizen on suspicion of joining the group fought against al "Daesh" in Syria.
He said the Australian media that Ashley DePaul was detained in Germany after his arrival in Europe to spend a break from working with "units of the People to protect" the Kurdish militias.
A spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry, "we were informed by the German authorities to arrest Mr. DePaul in Berlin."
She added, "We learned that a German court ruled DePaul deported to Australia", but it did not disclose the charges against him.
Australian officials are concerned about the growing trend of Australian citizens to Iraq and Syria to join extremist groups, including al Daesh, where fighting about 110 Australians currently in the region, and 45 others were killed in the conflict.
Australia and issued new laws, including the criminalization of fighting with gunmen with any of the sides in the conflict.
DePaul was told the program "60 Minutes" television from Syria earlier this year, it does humanitarian work in Syria is involved in demining.
And DePaul is not the first Australian travel to Syria to fight the organization Daesh, where he killed an Australian citizen is a former Reese Harding (23 years) in a landmine explosion while fighting in the ranks of the Kurds against the extremist organization.
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