Enzymes and hormones important that the pancreas Bafrazha help a lot in the process of digestion and regulate metabolic rates, and rates of diabetes and pancreatic cancer as a disease appears in a definite phase after doubling its size and leaving completely control.
Perhaps a very serious thing is that the pancreatic cancer cells spread in different parts of the body, and the nearest point accessible to pancreatic cancer are the lymph nodes, and then the cancerous cells move into the liver and into the large intestine in a few cases to the lungs and rarely goes to the bones or brain.
Pancreatic cancer is the first and main causes of death, and is more common within the body and the symptoms of disease, pancreatic cancer are as follows:
- Jaundice, a color shift to the whites of the eyes yellow and occur as a result of the accumulation of a substance called bilirubin in the blood cells.
- Feeling pain in the abdomen and back as well as be intermittent at first and then prove afterwards.
- A decrease in weight without compelling reasons.
- The color of the stool is a conqueror.
- Gmqan in urine color is normal.
- Loss of appetite significantly.
- Sudden clots in the blood.
In the early stages of the disease becomes difficult to make sure the infection as the symptoms do not appear for sure, it is that these symptoms may belong to diseases other than cancer of the pancreas, so if you see one of these signs, consult your doctor immediately to conduct examinations and necessary tests.
It causes disease pancreatic cancer:
- Smoking constantly.
- Large increase weight and fat accumulation.
- Already exposure to pancreatitis or diabetes.
- Previous history of the disease in the family increases the chances of infection.
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