Postponement of Britain out of the European Union until the end of 2019

 the European Union

It may delay the start of the process of the actual exit of Britain from the European Union to the end of the year 2019, because of the difficulties faced by the British administration and the elections in France and Germany, according to the newspaper "Sunday Times".
Prime Minister Theresa May and the government has indicated that it intends to activate Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon in the beginning of the year 2017 can not start pulling talks only after activating the withdrawal mechanism of this, and thus begins the negotiations continue for two years.
If the mechanism began with the beginning of the year 2017, begins the actual exit beginning of the year 2019. 
But according to the newspaper "Sunday Times", the British ministers have warned privately senior officials in the financial sector in London that the process will not take place before the end of the year 2017, thus postponing the exit Britain until late 2019.
A source from the sector have already discussed the matter with the ministers that "the minister is currently believed that the process could be delayed to the autumn of 2017".
He added that "they do not have the infrastructure for people who must be hired," in preparation for the negotiations, noting that they "say they do not even know what are the appropriate questions to ask when they start negotiations with Europe."
On the other hand, he said in a British member of the government did not reveal his identity for "Sunday Times" The timetable of the elections in France and Germany raises "many difficulties."
And organizes sessions of the French presidential elections on April 23 and May 7 2017 in the legislative elections to be held in Germany in the autumn of the same year.
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