The implications of the law «Justa»

The implications of the law Justa

US Congress members voted overwhelmingly to reject the «veto» US President Obama to sue the Saudi law, where this terrorist law allows families of the victims of September atheist, 2001, attacks to sue the Saudi state, and the vote came Congress despite clarify the US president in his message to Congress before the vote on the law that such a law, if adopted, the US national security jeopardize violating the principle of state sovereignty and undermines the political immunity, which is one of the requirements of the modern global diplomacy.

I'm not a specialist in the law so that my opinion on the legal issues, but I see that the application of this law will have serious political dimensions because it does not expose the security of the Middle East region alone , at risk and threatens international peace whole .. where transformation of the subject of legal issues to political issues and open the way for states other lifting of cases against the United States. 
How question will deal Arabia with this law, especially if we know that there is no premeditated conspiracy against Saudi Arabia, but the whole process related to theelection next month of November, MPs are trying to make the US the street to raise the issue already know, it's hard substantiated.
Really the law will affect the strategic relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States that are more than seventy years. It is very difficult to monitor all the expected consequences as a result of the adoption of this law .. it is certain that the relations between the two countries will not be returning as before because lawmakers exceeded all international norms and laws, which will open the door for many states to enact laws similar to US law.
What is required now from Saudi Arabia after the adoption of the law? It is natural that reduced Saudi relationship with Washington since it was discovered today that the pressure or the Saudi lobby in Washington groups which from its core mission to earn acceptance and satisfaction and friendship of the members of Congress, politicians and journalists in Washington, did not achieve their mission, and friends of Americans and the politicians who claim to harbor deference to Saudi Arabia because of their companies and their interests with Saudi ineffective.
Saudi Arabia today focus on the experts and legal advisers and specialists in international law in US laws and recruitment to address the consequences of this law, especially since the American judicial system is known for his independence and integrity. There is no fear on Saudi Arabia, Vemoaagafha clear against terrorism, and those who want to bring a case against it, he has to prove to eliminate the relationship between the Saudi government and the terrorists who carried out the 09/11/2001 and Iqrnoa their accusations with evidence and clear clues that prove their accusations, and this is very difficult.
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