Women Vqt..8 early symptoms of ovarian cancer

Women Vqt.

Ovarian cancer is known as the "silent killer" of women from the most dangerous types of cancers at all, since his discovery in most cases are not only after its spread in other parts of the body.
Initial clinical signs of injury cancer, the most important part in the genital tract of women's symptoms are similar to a lot of minor illnesses or other serious.
Because of the rapid increase in the number of victims of this type of cancer, it is necessary to visit a doctor for examination and reassurance when the complaint from any of the following symptoms, which came in a report to the site "Boldskaa" on health are as follows:
1. abdominal and pelvic pain 
proved to be 80% of ovarian cancer patients suffer from severe pain in the pelvic or abdominal region in general, so it is advisable not to ignore this kind of pain especially if they are frequent and quickly consult a doctor.
2. Rapid feel full 
longer intestinal disorders while eating with the rapid feeling of satiety of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer , the importance of females, so it is advisable not to be ignored if repeated.
3. urinary disorders 
and the inflammatory urine and frequency of urination with constant feeling ofwanting to urinate without having to so may be of ovarian cancer indicators.
4. constant feeling of tiredness and fatigue 
cause of ovarian cancer , like all other cancers constant feeling of tiredness, fatigue and lack of energy needed to complete normal daily activities.
5. stomach disorders 
are one of the most stomach disorders symptoms of ovarian cancer, including permanent swelling as a result of the presence of gas, constipation and other changes in bowel movements.
6. Lower back pain 
is lower back pain in addition to the general feeling of pain in the body from cancer indications, including ovarian cancer.
7. pain during intimacy relationship 
is feeling severe pain during intimacy of the relationship of ovarian cancer indicators.
8. Constipation 
suffering from chronic constipation and persistent abdominal pain is one of theindicators of ovarian cancer, so it is advisable not to delay in consulting your doctor if suffering from any of the aforementioned symptoms, which are similar to thesymptoms of other diseases may be simple.
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